Artist career consultations & advice

Career assessment

An in-depth look at your artistic career to date to identify problem areas, possible solutions and suggestions for the approach most adapted to your practice to move forward. On completion a comprehensive written report is provided and I am available to answer your questions.

Career consultations & support

My career consultancy services include personal guidance and help with a range of issues for your professional artistic practice in France and abroad. Areas covered include communication and promotional tools, website content, exhibition and project opportunities, submission deadlines, industry networking, assistance with English and general career advice. The consultations can be given in person, over the phone, via email or online platforms.

1. One-off consultations: Advice sessions addressing specific questions, career objectives or difficulties.

2. Ongoing career support: This service provides assistance with all aspects of your career over a longer period and is tailored to the particular needs and schedule of each artist. The career support can be requested either on a regular basis or when required.

Portfolio or website review

  1. Artist portfolio or website review addressing content, layout, design, professionalism and use, and highlighting those areas that need revising. Following the review a detailed written summary is provided and I am available to answer any questions. You can also request a combined assessment of them both.
  2. Advice and assistance for updating the visual and written content of your portfolio or website. Please note, this does not include graphic design work or technical help.
Writing assistance for your career

It can often be challenging writing about your own art practice or work, so I provide individual guidance to artists and visual art professionals to help you with the writing process in English or French. I offer advice on content, structure and style, and give comments and feedback as your written work develops. We can focus on a range of texts together including those for your portfolio, website, exhibitions, project submissions or for whatever need may arise.

Please also see the Art criticism & writing’ page for additional writing services.